Policies and Protocols
The Company believes in leading practices that are essential to the conduct of our business. We strongly encourage the Board, Management and personnel that all transactions and personal behaviors must conform to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations including prohibitions on insider trading.
Corporate Charter Documents
The company is guided by a core set of policies and procedures embodied in its corporate charters, the Amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. The Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws provide for the Company’s purpose in doing business, including the basic procedures and the form and manner by which the Company is managed.
Corporate Good Governance
The Manual on Corporate Governance (Manual) is a clear statement by the Company, the Board of Directors, Management, and personnel, that corporate governance is a necessary component of what constitutes sound strategic business management.
Code of Business Conduct
The Code of Business Conduct is a clear statement by the Company, the Board of Directors, Management, and personnel, that corporate dealings are consistent with acceptable ethical standards and accountability.
Enterprise Risk Management
The Company established a sound risk management practice, which provides a systematic and structured framework within which material risks may be identified, assessed and addressed in a way that:
Key strategic objectives of the Company are achieved;
Resources are effectively and efficiently allocated.
Enterprise Risk Management Manual
Business Risk Model
Corporate Social Responsibility
As a corporate citizen, it is our Company’s continuing commitment to behave ethically and contribute to the economic development while improving the quality of life of its workforce, their families, our customers, our local communities, our government and society at large whilst committed to sustainability.
Other Company Policies
Other Company policies that encourage good business conduct include: